Thursday, September 24, 2009

Dog Olympics

Yes folks, the Dog Olympics were held right here at Grays Road Dog Park.
The first event was Hide and Seek.
Um, did anybody tell Eli that he's 'it'?

Next up, Zack takes the Gold Medal for Most Impressive Loogie.
I think we have a record breaker, folks!

Zack, Gucci, and Mia are competing in the Three Way Butt Sniffing Relay.
Looks like Mia's ready to pass the baton to George.

Mia and Gucci face off in the Face On Top competition.
This is a new sport. Competitors rotate their heads around each other like a game of chase-your-thumbs. Dizzyness ensues. Last one standing, wins.
And in our last entry for the day, young Max took the Gold for Cutest Puppy Ever.

New sections opened

I did not realize that it's been over two months since I updated the blog!
No excuse.

So this week, the maintenance people switched us to the other sections of the dog park. The previous sections have been seeded, so the grass will have a chance to recover.

The new section has had 18 months to rest and recuperate. The moles have been hard at work, building extensive tunnels. The grass is green. There's no mud under the spigot.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Catching Up, Part 3

More Catching Up from June/July

Catching Up

Somehow I let the blog get neglected! Summer days, lots to do...
One problem with letting it go this long is I forgot the names of the newer dogs :(
Any way here are some new posts. 

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sunny Sunday Morning

Here's last Sunday. I didn't get all the dog's names. 
Thanks to the volunteer who brought the kiddy pool!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


The Dance

Ever notice how dogs choreograph their play? 
Some days it looks like a football game. Other days it really looks like they're dancing. 
Hard not to anthropomorphize them.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Skip is a Golden or Golden mix. He's getting used to a new home and seems like a lovely dog.

More Mugshots

Crowd on a Tuesday

After a week of rainy days... well it feels like a month of rainy days...
it was nice to see so many dogs.

Snake in the birdhouse

A snake got in one of the bluebird houses and ate the eggs. Very sad, but I guess that's the circle of life.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tumble and Roll

Spicy and George had the best time rolling and wrestling in the freshly cut grass.

Spicy's Mug Shot