Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bluebirds nesting

Yesterday, a bluebird came out of her nest box just as George Dog and I were walking past.I don't know which of the three of us was more startled. Too bad I didn't have the camera up and ready! We were nearly eye to eye.

 These birds add so much to a visit to the dog park, especially on a quiet morning when no one else is around. I assumed the County had installed the boxes, but it turns out they were added by a volunteer, who also maintains them. What a great community!

I found some information online about bluebird nests. During nesting season, there's a two week period where nest boxes should not be disturbed. This is to keep the babies from fledging too early, which would make them easy prey.

The eggs need 2 weeks for incubation, then after 2-1/2 to 3 weeks the babies fledge, and then the young birds hang out with the parents for 2 to 3 weeks of survival lessons. After that they are pretty much on their own.

I'm not sure where these bluebirds are on that timeline, but keep your eyes open for baby birds following the parents around in the next few weeks, and please avoid approaching the nest boxes. This can leave a trail for predators to follow.

Mealworms are bluebird's favorite food, but they also like other insects, berries, and sunflower seeds.

Here's a website with info and photos of bluebirds.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Madison, packmate to Zack, Zoe, and Eli, poses with her tennis ball.  Thanks to Ryan for the photo!


Some time in the past week, the county sprayed herbicide along the fence line. Coincidentally, there has been a hole filled with muddy water right by the fence, under the water faucet.

Perhaps the workers had the good sense to skip applying the herbicide there, but I can't tell. 
So as tempting as any good mud puddle is, I don't know that I would want to play in it after herbicide application. And if I wouldn't do it, I sure wouldn't want my dog to play in it or drink from it either.

A couple of helpful volunteers bailed the hole out and filled it with gravel from the parking lot. Thanks!

And thanks to all park users for your sense of community and consideration.


This ends a weeks' worth of posts.

Saved up a weeks' worth of photos and posted them all today. Check back next week for more. Or send me some of your photos of dogs at Gray's Road.

Rope Tug

The rope play started out well. Aren't they just Too Cute running together? But when Doser got curious, George got too possessive. The rope had to go. Sorry, Spicy.

Write your own caption...

Ok, there were just too many captions that would fit this one, so you'll have to use your imagination.

Time to go. Is George helping hold Zoe? Or keep her from leaving. Hmmm.

More mugshots

Happy Toby

Toby's happy. This is after racing around the park with George at top speed. They finally slowed down enough for the camera to catch them.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Calling All Dogs!

Got a great shot of the fun at Gray's Road Dog Park? If you've got pictures that you'd like to see posted, send an email to:
perywinkleblue at comcast dot net
Please include your name and/or your dog's name so I can credit your photos.

On a side note, I changed the blog settings so that now anybody can comment on posts. I also started labeling each post with the names of the dogs in the photos. Clicking on a dog's label (found at the bottom of each post) will bring up every post with a picture of that dog (e.g., clicking "Sam" will bring up all posts featuring Sam).

Quiet for a Saturday morning

Champ, George, Mia and Sam.