Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bluebirds nesting

Yesterday, a bluebird came out of her nest box just as George Dog and I were walking past.I don't know which of the three of us was more startled. Too bad I didn't have the camera up and ready! We were nearly eye to eye.

 These birds add so much to a visit to the dog park, especially on a quiet morning when no one else is around. I assumed the County had installed the boxes, but it turns out they were added by a volunteer, who also maintains them. What a great community!

I found some information online about bluebird nests. During nesting season, there's a two week period where nest boxes should not be disturbed. This is to keep the babies from fledging too early, which would make them easy prey.

The eggs need 2 weeks for incubation, then after 2-1/2 to 3 weeks the babies fledge, and then the young birds hang out with the parents for 2 to 3 weeks of survival lessons. After that they are pretty much on their own.

I'm not sure where these bluebirds are on that timeline, but keep your eyes open for baby birds following the parents around in the next few weeks, and please avoid approaching the nest boxes. This can leave a trail for predators to follow.

Mealworms are bluebird's favorite food, but they also like other insects, berries, and sunflower seeds.

Here's a website with info and photos of bluebirds.

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