Saturday, April 25, 2009


Some time in the past week, the county sprayed herbicide along the fence line. Coincidentally, there has been a hole filled with muddy water right by the fence, under the water faucet.

Perhaps the workers had the good sense to skip applying the herbicide there, but I can't tell. 
So as tempting as any good mud puddle is, I don't know that I would want to play in it after herbicide application. And if I wouldn't do it, I sure wouldn't want my dog to play in it or drink from it either.

A couple of helpful volunteers bailed the hole out and filled it with gravel from the parking lot. Thanks!

And thanks to all park users for your sense of community and consideration.



  1. How do I add photos to this site.
    kimberly Washington

  2. Hi Kim,
    Just e-mail photos to me. Please make sure the file size isn't too large so my in-box doesn't overflow :-)
    The address is spelled out to keep from getting picked up by programs that search the net for addresses to spam:
    perywinkleblue at comcast dot net
    Please include your name and/or your dog's name so I can credit your photos.
